Useful links for our members or ex-members regarding information and support for various organisations, services and benefits.
Open Arms Veterans & Families Counselling
Originally established in 1982 to support Vietnam Veterans, VVCS has expanded the range of services it offers. VVCS now assists those involved in all military conflicts and peacekeeping operations. Since 2000, in addition to providing a free service for eligible clients, VVCS has also maintained an agreement with the Department of Defence, to enable the Australian Defence Force to refer current serving members to VVCS services and programs on a fee for service basis.
RSL Lifecare
Part of RSL NSW, RSL Life Care is a leader in senior living, providing lifestyle villages and retirement homes.
Most recently RSL Life Care founded the Contemporary Veterans Homelessness and Assistance Program (Homes for Heroes) at Narrabeen in NSW
Defence Care
Part of RSL NSW, Defence Care helps current and ex-serving members of the Australian Defence Force and their families in times of injury, illness or crisis.
Department of Veterans Affairs
Federal government department responsible for the administration of matters relating to veterans
The Returned and Services League of Australia
New South Wales Branch
Federal government department responsible for the administration of matters relating to veterans
Central Council of Women’s Auxiliaries
Formed in 1948 The RSL Women’s Auxiliary raises funds for the wellbeing of our current and ex-serving members of the Australian Defence Force and their families. They also we visit the sick in hospital and those convalescing at home and raise funds to support the RSL Welfare and Benevolent Institution by holding raffles, selling tokens during the ANZAC and Poppy Appeals, as well as other fundraising avenues that arise throughout the year in their local sub-Branch area.
Department of Defence
The Australian Defence Force (ADF) is constituted under the Defence Act 1903, its mission is to defend Australia and its national interests
NSW Transport
If you are an ex-member of the defence forces with a service-related disability, you are entitled to free travel in Sydney metropolitan and outer Sydney metropolitan areas.
If you live outside the Sydney and Newcastle suburban areas, you are entitled to NSW TrainLink Regional services for a specified number of journeys within NSW each calendar year.
Sydney Legacy
Legacy is a charity providing services to dependants of veterans who gave their lives or health.
War Widows’ Guild of Australia NSW Ltd
The War Widows’ Guild of Australia NSW Ltd, originally established in 1946, is a not for profit membership-based organization whose mission is to promote and protect the interests of war widows in New South Wales.

The NSW Office for Veterans Affairs
Committed to ensuring our veterans are honoured with dignity and respect.