City of Penrith RSL sub‑Branch


RSL NSW and sub-Branches organise and deliver the major commemorative events across New South Wales to honour the service and sacrifice of Australian service men and women. The most well-known of these take place on ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day, and are complemented by commemorations throughout the year to remember particular segments of those who have served. Through these commemorative activities, we remember and respect those who have served and sacrificed for Australia.


For more than 100 years the Returned and Services League has provided a continuation of the unique camaraderie and mateship that people find during service in the Australian Defence Force. Through our network of more than 340 sub-Branches and chapters we bring together over 27,000 members who have served from a variety of backgrounds and contexts in a spirit of friendship and cooperation. This mateship among ex-Defence personnel is at the heart of what RSL NSW is and is highly valued by our members and the veteran community.


Meeting the needs of veterans and their families has been central to the RSL’s mission since its inception. Today we provide support through our network of sub-Branches, as well as through our partner charities, RSL LifeCare which includes RSL DefenceCare.

sub-Branches As the local presence of services and support in New South Wales communities, sub-Branches exist to be of service to veterans and their families. In addition to the face-to-face support and mateship they can offer, sub-Branches can inform and connect veterans and families to the range services available to them.


General Meeting & AGM


11:00 to 12:30 Macquarie Room then Hornseywood Room with Partners

Auxiliary Meeting


10:00 – 12:00 – sub-Branch meeting room



18:00 -19:30 – Epping

A brief history of Memory Park War Memorial

In 2004 the Sub-Branch raised a committee to oversee the redevelopment of the Memory Park Memorial. The new Memorial was designed and built by local sculptor Terrence Plowright. The work commenced in early 2007, and was completed in late 2008. The dedication of the redeveloped War Memorial was by Her Excellency

Memorabilia Display 

The Memorial Display is located to the right at the top of the escalators inside the Penrith RSL Club’s entrance.

We welcome all to come visit!


City of Penrith RSL sub‑Branch
City of Penrith RSL sub-Branch
City of Penrith RSL sub-Branch5 hours ago
Today the Penrith RSL sub-Branch commemorated the
83rd Anniversary of the bombing of Darwin and attacks upon Australia. The President, Mr Brian Cartwright and members of the Branch gathered at Memory Park for a humble commemoration service.

Afterwards Vice President Anthony Eddie, Penrith RSL Club Chairmen, Mr Frank Portelli and CEO, Mr Neel Chand represented at a fantastic commemoration luncheon at Merrylands RSL Club, hosted by their sub-Branch. Congratulations and thank you to the organizing Committee.

Lest We Forget!

Rsl Nsw State Branch
Women Veterans Network Australia - WVNA
Nepean News
Penrith City Council
Penrith RSL Pipes and Drums
Nepean Naval & Maritime Museum
Prue Car MP
Melissa McIntosh MP
Karen McKeown OAM - MP for Penrith
Mayor Clr Todd Carney
Noel Rowsell
City of Penrith RSL sub-Branch
City of Penrith RSL sub-Branch
City of Penrith RSL sub-Branch3 days ago
Today we remember the 21 Australian Army nurses who were murdered during World War II in the Bangka Island massacre. The nurses were evacuating Singapore aboard the SS Vyner Brooke with wounded Allied servicemen and civilians when the ship was bombed by Japan on 15 February 1942.

Around 150 survivors swam to nearby Bangka Island and surrendered to Japanese troops the next day. The men were killed and the 22 Australian nurses, and one British civilian woman, were forced to wade into the sea. The Japanese then shot them.

Only one nurse survived the massacre. Sister Vivian Bullwinkel was shot in the abdomen and lay motionless in the water until the Japanese soldiers left. She hid for several days but eventually surrendered and became a prisoner of war.

Bullwinkel survived three years in a Japanese POW camp. She later gave evidence of the massacre at the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal.

📸 Australian War Memorial | Sister Vivian Bullwinkel in 1945.
City of Penrith RSL sub-Branch
City of Penrith RSL sub-Branch6 days ago
Today, we honour National Servicemen’s Day - a day to commemorate those who served our nation through compulsory military service, known as 'Nashos.'

Between 1951 and 1972, approximately 280,000 men were conscripted, with some going on to serve overseas in locations such as Borneo, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Vietnam, and the waters off the Korean Peninsula.

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