City of Penrith RSL sub‑Branch


RSL NSW and sub-Branches organise and deliver the major commemorative events across New South Wales to honour the service and sacrifice of Australian service men and women. The most well-known of these take place on ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day, and are complemented by commemorations throughout the year to remember particular segments of those who have served. Through these commemorative activities, we remember and respect those who have served and sacrificed for Australia.


For more than 100 years the Returned and Services League has provided a continuation of the unique camaraderie and mateship that people find during service in the Australian Defence Force. Through our network of more than 340 sub-Branches and chapters we bring together over 27,000 members who have served from a variety of backgrounds and contexts in a spirit of friendship and cooperation. This mateship among ex-Defence personnel is at the heart of what RSL NSW is and is highly valued by our members and the veteran community.


Meeting the needs of veterans and their families has been central to the RSL’s mission since its inception. Today we provide support through our network of sub-Branches, as well as through our partner charities, RSL LifeCare which includes RSL DefenceCare.

sub-Branches As the local presence of services and support in New South Wales communities, sub-Branches exist to be of service to veterans and their families. In addition to the face-to-face support and mateship they can offer, sub-Branches can inform and connect veterans and families to the range services available to them.


Students Service


From 09:00 Club Paceway

General Meeting


Macquarie Room then Star Buffet



18:00 -19:30 – Blacktown

A brief history of Memory Park War Memorial

In 2004 the Sub-Branch raised a committee to oversee the redevelopment of the Memory Park Memorial. The new Memorial was designed and built by local sculptor Terrence Plowright. The work commenced in early 2007, and was completed in late 2008. The dedication of the redeveloped War Memorial was by Her Excellency

Memorabilia Display 

The Memorial Display is located to the right at the top of the escalators inside the Penrith RSL Club’s entrance.

We welcome all to come visit!


City of Penrith RSL sub‑Branch
City of Penrith RSL sub-Branch
City of Penrith RSL sub-Branch3 days ago
Thanks to Noel Rowsell👌at Nepean News for a great write up regarding our new Museum to be opened in May 2025. Additional stories from a couple of local Veterans, Tony Hall and Toni Kornacki.

Penrith RSL
Women Veterans Network Australia - WVNA
Rsl Nsw State Branch
Penrith City Council
RSL NSW sub-Branches
Rsl Nsw State Branch
Penrith RSL Pipes and Drums
@Nepean Naval And Maritime Museum
City of Penrith RSL sub-Branch
City of Penrith RSL sub-Branch6 days ago
Community Notice: Unfortunately the City of Penrith RSL sub-Branch must advise that the normal Sunday ANZAC Community March will not proceed this year. In short, the opportunity to hold the March has become difficult and deemed not viable surrounding the ANZAC Schools Service, School holidays, Easter Sunday and then ANZAC Day. FYI - We expect that it will be back on next year.

Friday 25 April 25 - ANZAC Day Dawn Service will be conducted at Memory Park, Penrith. The March will begin at 4:45 Am and the Dawn Service at 5:00 Am.

Service Members, Veterans, Cadets, their families and invited guest’s are invited to join the sub-Branch for breakfast at the Club afterwards.
Penrith RSL
Women Veterans Network Australia - WVNA
Rsl Nsw State Branch
Penrith City Council
Noel Rowsell
Nepean News
Melissa McIntosh MP
Prue Car MP
Mayor Clr Todd Carney
Susan Templeman MP
Nepean Naval & Maritime Museum
Karen McKeown OAM - MP for Penrith
Penrith RSL Pipes and Drums
Yarramundi Veterans Shed
RSL NSW sub-Branches
Wounded Heroes Australia
3 Wing Australian Air Force Cadets
City of Penrith RSL sub-Branch
City of Penrith RSL sub-Branch1 week ago
The City of Penrith RSL sub-Branch acting President Mr Anthony Eddie met up with Emily Elizabeth, a great local book author yesterday. The sub-Branch aspires to join forces and educate the next generation of local children with respect to our national commemorations. Emily’s new book- ‘What will I see on ANZAC Day’ is a great way for Veterans to educate the younger ones and start the conversation at home at their level, without going over the top.

The sub-Branch Auxiliary will be selling these books at $25 each. Please contact the Auxiliary team and or the sub-Branch for your copy!
Penrith RSL
Women Veterans Network Australia - WVNA
Rsl Nsw State Branch
Penrith City Council
City of Penrith RSL sub-Branch
Nepean News
Noel Rowsell
RSL NSW sub-Branches
City of Penrith RSL sub-Branch
City of Penrith RSL sub-Branch1 week ago
Penrith Veterans: are You keen to get involved? Register Now.

Thanks to generous contributions from RSL sub-Branches via the Veteran Support Fund, RSL NSW is proud to sponsor the second Satellite Run Army Sydney event, hosted by HQ FORCOMD at the iconic Victoria Barracks on Friday 11 April 2025.

Registrations are now open, with a limited number of spots available for veterans and their families to run alongside current serving members of the Australian Army, Airforce, and Navy! Entry is free and all participants receive a race T-shirt.

The event includes a 5km walk, 5km run and 10km run (17 years+), conducted over a 2.5km lap course within the Barracks, with participation from 400 current-serving ADF members and 100 veterans, RSL NSW members and their families.

Date: Friday 11 April 2025
Time: Briefing at 10:30am and race start at 11am – bib collection from 8.30am
Location: Victoria Barracks Sydney, Paddington NSW
Entry cost: Free
Run Army/RSL NSW race T-shirts: All participants receive a Run Army/RSL NSW race T-shirt, to be picked up on race day after bib collection.
Refreshments: There will be a complimentary BBQ provided with soft drinks after the event, and the Everyman’s Welfare Service ‘Brew Truck’, sponsored by RSL NSW, will be onsite providing coffee, tea, and small snacks.
Base tours: The Barracks Tour Guides will be available, and the Victoria Barracks Sydney Museum will be open between 11.00am and 3.00pm for participants to learn about the history of the barracks and the Military.

The Run Army Sydney race categories are as follows:
5km walk – Open Male and Open Female
5km run – Male U16, U21, Open and Masters (45+) and Female U16, U21, Open and Masters (45+)
10 km run – Male U21, Open and Masters (45+) and Female U21, Open and Masters (45+)
To register for the Run Army Sydney event, please click the link;

If you have any questions about Run Army, please contact your friendly Member Support Team via or call 1300 679 775.

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